The Nisbet Clan
Six crazy people in one happy house!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Carly's 8th birthday party!

Last Friday we celebrated Carly's 8th birthday! She invited some girls over and we had a cooking party! VERY FUN! The girls (+ Ryan) decorated their own chefs apron, played a game, made homemade pizza and decorated cupcakes. We are looking forward to her baptism coming up in one week! Would love to see you there! Saturday, June 5th at 7pm at the West Stake Center.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So the last post, while HIGHLY entertaining, did not provide much information! The Nisbet clan is bumping along the road of life much as they have ever been. Jim continues work for Nevada State Bank, but has also taken on a position as a volunteer firefighter with the Lee Engine Company! He is VERY excited about this and is really looking forward to his upcoming training next month.
Amy begins class at GBC again today, taking Anatomy and Physiology I this semester. She currently has 29 piano students, and is still playing for 3 school choirs. BUSY BUSY!
The kids are doing great. Scott loves high school....Ian is getting ready for his first clogging competition taking place at the beginning of March. Carly has started taking piano lessons and is doing GREAT, and Ryan is a very good kindergarten student and keeps us all on our toes at home. (He just lost 2 teeth!)
So we aren't so very good at keeping the blog updated, but we do think about doing it....does that count? Once again, thanks Kari for the pictures.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Ian the Angler
So Ian went on his first camping trip with our ward Boy Scout Troop and seemed to have a pretty good time... Jim and Scott went with him and there ended up being about 7 boys and almost as many adult leaders. One of the older men in our ward that Ian has taken a shine to brought his 14' boat and his son took several of the boys out fishing on Saturday morning for about 1 hour 'tours'. Ian was thrilled as he's wanted to go fishing for some time but nobody in our immediately accessible family are big into fishing - so he persevered.
Below are the results of his first two outings... These were caught at South Fork Reservoir within about a two hour time span.
Top to bottom: Bob, Seth, Diego, and Becky
"Becky" was the largest of the four - measuring 20.5" and just about 3 pounds after being cleaned.
Ian was pretty happy to have "Becky" in his life - Ryan just thought it was funny that Ian was going to kiss his fish!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
...still here!
Nary a post since, ummm.....May. So much to report and catch up on. I probably will not do our summer justice but here are some tid-bits of Nisbet info that I hope will suffice!
Elko had delightful weather in June--it rained almost every day. While I quite enjoyed it, the kids were quite stir crazy by the time the sun came out to stay. We as a family did not go a
In July, we kicked off the month with a very eventful 4th holiday. Jim, Scott and (shocker) I got up early Independance day morning and participated in a 5K. A first for all of us. I am happy to report that we were not the last to cross the finish line but we DID finish! Scott ran the majority of the race after I pointed out a pretty girl ahead of us at the starting line....he stayed with her the whole time. Ahhhhhh youth! That afternoon we spent at the GBC campus hanging out with friends, BBQ'ing, visiting etc and ended the evening watching fireworks and being thankful for this great land in which we live.
Later on in the month--youth conference for Jim and Scott. Learning to ride a 2-wheeler for Carly and Ryan (both of whom picked up on it without much trouble at all!), lots of piano lessons and vegetable eating for Mom, babysitting and night games galore for Ian and just generally good summer fun for all!
August brought pre-season soccer workouts for Scott, more piano lessons for Mom, and a trip to Lehman Caves for the whole fam! We borrowed a trailer and went (gulp) camping... Down to the Ely area where we camped at Cave Lake. Had a great time! Ryan commented that he NEVER wanted to come home he had so much fun! Thanks again to Charlie and Melanie for lending us their trailer.
Now school is starting in just under a week. I am registered for 8 credits this fall--pre-calculus and anatomy classes--, Scott finished tryouts last night for the soccer team and made JV! Choraliers fundraising has begun and yikes is it going to be expensive to have a child in high school! Ian will be in 6th grade at Flagview and is not excited for learning but can't wait to re-ignite his social life on Monday when school begins. Carly thinks having Mrs. D for 2nd grade is the best thing that has ever happened to her and Ryan is headed for kindergarten with Mrs. Nutting. Mountain View may never be the same once he's arrived there.
Jim continues work at the bank. This weekend he will compete in the annual EHS Soccer alumni game! (He's been working out--look out varsity!)
We are blessed....we are happy...and we love getting your updates here and on fa
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