Thursday, October 16, 2008


Isn't that illegal? Tagging things? You know, I was never very good at that game. Much too slow. When playing "tag" as a youth I used to try and outwit those who were after me because I never had the speed (or the desire, actually) to out run them. You can imagine how well THAT went...anyway, Suz, here ya go. (And, why 6?)

6 favorite TV shows....(Tough because we haven't had tv service for the last 4 + years...I used to like a few though. You know, back in the day my homies!)

*Brady Bunch
*Sesame Street (WAAAAAAY back in the day...)
*The Muppet Show
*Pretty much ANY game show...I'm a junky

6 restaurants where I like to eat

*Kaye's Kitchen
*Johnny Carinos
*Cafe Rio (yummmy.....pork salad)
*The Star
*Flying Fish--but only because when I go there it is because I get to go with people whose company I enjoy. (The food is just NONSENSE)

6 things that happened today

*I swore at Ryan
*I made pizza and sandwiches at work (shocker...)
*Went to Ian's soccer game
*Wished Suzanne would come over and do my laundry
*Visited Jim at the drive up window at the bank
*Went to a violin recital--it was very well done!

6 things I am looking forward to

*financial independance (come on Publisher's Clearing House!)
*singing with Delmo and Connie at Christmas
*going to bed after finishing this blog entry!
*going on Courtney and Suzanne's 20th anniversary cruise (Where are we going?)
*Watching Mama Mia AGAIN (and again and again and again and again.......)
*Going to see Wicked---someday...

6 things on my wish list

*1000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets
*a maid
*a debt free life
*new socks (this is always and forever on my wish list...if I could I would open a new pair EVERY time I had to put socks on and never wear them again after that time I would.)
*a faster metabolism OR that all the foods I love that are not good for me would suddenly have a negative caloric value like iceburg lettuce does...(HEY, it's a wish list, it doesn't have to be realistic...)
*to make a CD of me singing that might actually impact someone other than my mother!

6 people to gag (sounds rude to me....I don't like gagging but I said I'd play so....)

*that mean man at work who complained today that his pizza cheese was not "toasty" enough
*people who throw their cigarrette butts out of the car window. (Just who do they think is going to clean those up?)
*men who have crack showing--they make me gag so making them gag seems fair enough
*the dentist (or anyone else who has ever made me gag when taking impressions)
*gangsta rappers
*whomever it is at JR's that keeps putting loogies in our drinks


goat said...

oh honestly amy! you are killing me!
what is it about socks? i am just happy to have a clean pair that matches. you were always such a picky kid. LOL!
ya, and you tag strategy... well, i know how well that worked. *snort*

love ya

goat said...

and i love that the format of this tag is invisible. was a slap for being tagged in the first place?

Suz said...

You are hilarious! Thanks for playing! If Kari is reading this, she is probably still gagging!

Fantastic Five said...

I'm not mentioned once in this tagging business, regardless if you were mentioned in mine.....I'm offended.

goat said...


Fantastic Five said...

Amy, Jums ir lieliska personai - tā gatavs palīdzēt meitene, kas ... .. tad RUB to viņas sejas! Love to!

You can translate the above using google translate, but I'm not telling what language it's in!! HA HA HA

Crouch6 said...

I would love to get together. It seems like when we are there it is a tug of war between families. We feel guilty being with one and not the other etc... I should find out in the next week or so if I got into the nursing program. If I do, I start in January!! I love seeing what you guys are up to! Can you believe how big our kids are getting? I remember when Scott was just little, deep water aerobics etc.... Those were the days. They seemed so simple.