It is hard to believe, but Ian is now 11 years old. Yikes, where did the time go? It doesn't seem that long ago--I remember how the night before he was born we were all having dinner at my parents house. My grandmother was visiting in town but was planning to leave the next day--coincidentally, my due date. After dinner she joked about my going home to "start having pains" so she could see her new great grandbaby before she left to return home. I laughed at this as I had gone a week over when I was pregnant with Scott. However, being the obedient child I am, sure enough at about 10 pm that night I went into labor! Jim and I walked to the hospital at around 2 am and Ian arrived on the scene shortly before 5 am. We were thrilled to have him join our family--and we are still thrilled to have him.
Happy birthday Ian! (Well, it was two days ago, but I do the best I can.) To celebrate, we went bowling after school and had tacos and chocolate chip cookies for dinner. (My parents were here to share it with us...) It was very fun, AND, we were even able to "finish" his new bedroom in the basement enough that he could sleep in it that night. We still have quite a bit of work to do in there, but here is a picture anyway! Watch future postings for more info on the neverending basement project...
Happy birthday Ian! (Well, it was two days ago, but I do the best I can.) To celebrate, we went bowling after school and had tacos and chocolate chip cookies for dinner. (My parents were here to share it with us...) It was very fun, AND, we were even able to "finish" his new bedroom in the basement enough that he could sleep in it that night. We still have quite a bit of work to do in there, but here is a picture anyway! Watch future postings for more info on the neverending basement project...

I remember the morning of Ian's birth. i was right there holding your leg and telling you to push! was it really 11 years ago? wow!
nice looking room. nice color on the walls too.
I'm glad you took that picture in the light of day... It looks like with a little candlelight, it's the kind of room you use a remote to turn on romantic music and lower the shades... all I'm saying is I wouldn't allow any girls in the basement.
j/k... it looks great! glad you guys are making progress in the remodel!!
Laurel, you're right! didn't look like a boudouir to me until you pointed it out. What you can't see is there is a picture of Jesus on the dresser...does that help? :)
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