I found it! Wicked is coming to the Capitol Theater in SLC beginning in April of 2009... Wahoo! However, ticket prices are quite spendy. Do a whole bunch of you who read this want to go in together and buy me a ticket? Christmas is coming, and my birthday isn't too far distant after that... LOVE YOU! :)
So they are WAY expensive....we're talking a combination of Christmas, Birthday, Valentines, St. Patty's and Groudhog Day presents. I hope you know I was just kidding about anyone else buying me the ticket, but it sure would be amazing to go and see it. Anyone has a windfall and just don't have anything to spend it on, keep me in mind! Otherwise, here are links to where I found the cheapest tickets for Salt Lake. I'm still searching for somewhere else to get them that is not so spendy.
this would be a blast! and you made me laugh with your birthday is coming up comment. so the countdown has begun... 6 + months out.
...actually less than 6 months. The 18th of September was the 6 month anniversary of my 35th birthday!
OH MY GOSH I so want to go! Before or after my delivery is it coming? Info girl, give me info!!
Loved your email BTW...vote early, vote often, you're a crack up! Thanks for playing along with my silly email!
Okay I was so excited about the fact that it was coming close....didn't see the April 2009 comment. I'm there!! With or without you, so hopefully someone buys you a ticket, my money is going to my ticket - no offense of course!
Don't say anything....this is what I"m getting Terry for Christmas!! I am so excited!! I have read the book, he hasn't, but I know he will love it! He's a huge Wizard of Oz fan! Thanks for the ideas (again, sorry you're getting hosed by me) :)
how much are the tickets? email me a linky so i can check it out and who knows, i might could help you out. then again i could always run you over. *snirk*
I'm in for going - but as Raegan my money is going for my ticket! :) How much are they? Let me know and we will see what we can do!
Search different days and the prices vary a little by seat location, I found tickets that, seat wise, weren't bad, and didn't go over the $200 range.
Wow - I would love to do this, but if I went without my kids they would murder me!
Keep me updated on if and when you decide to go, I might be persuaded.
Our boys don't know it, but we're taking them in November before it leaves Chicago as one of their Christmas presents (just a really early one). You're going to love it! It's probably my favorite play EVER! This will be my 4th time! I can't wait!
I've heard nothing but great things about this show! Sounds fun! We love keeping up with your family. I saw Lacie in some of the pictures of Time Out. Tell her hi for me. I haven't seen her in so long!
Amy, it was great to hear from you! I can't believe how big your kids are!!! So fun. Your comment on the price made me laugh. I often think about combining gift holidays to get what sounds fun. Good luck!
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