So after much sweat, much study (more than I EVER did the first time in college--sorry Mom and Dad), and some pretty intense prayer, I took my first exam last night. I am happy to announce that I scored well--receiving 46 out of 50! That is a 92%! Whoopeeeeee!!!! Although the perfectionist in me is a little bit disappointed about not getting a perfect score, I'm still happy with the A and am feeling less stress about future tests now that I know I can actually do this.
Regarding Jim's comments--flesh? I don't have any idea what he could be referring to, and if ANY of you on the trip seem to recollect something I will have to say that I have no problem making up something revealing to post KNOW what I mean!
92% is so good! be proud of yourself, you are not stupid! you are one of the smartest people i know.
Way to go Amy! I read that comment and was wondering what he meant???
Just noticed the nurple and furple comment - You are quite welcome glad to be of service!:) For any of you that need the definition on nurple and furple just call.
How about a definition for DWEEB? JK Suz - love ya!!
Congrats Amy - you are so going to be valedictorian for your class, I can picture it now; sing your speech!!
Way to go Amy! In SOME ways, it's better to be a "older" student. (in other ways, not so much!) Glad you had a great weekend!
how about twirple? anyone got a definition of that?
Yay Amy! Like any of us doubted you. Good job.
I thought Jim was referring to elbows.
Like the updated version of your blog! I found a web site for furple's!! No Joke!:)
omg! just google "furple"! they are everywhere!
huh, who knew...
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