The kids were full of fun news upon arriving home from school yesterday. Scott was just giddy over several things--all of them connected to a few girls on whom he has a carefully trained eye! (He even gets to sit next to Elizabeth in 3rd period English!) If you think of it, be sure to ask him about the suprise he had in 7th hour! Ian was very excited that he was able to pet the class snake--Lily....I hope he gets his "fix" at school because I draw the line at snakes. Lizards--ok, snakes--not ok. Carly LOVED her first day in the first grade despite feigned exasperation that the boys were chasing her at recess--AGAIN. Ryan enjoyed having mom to himself and also loved playing with his best bud Dallin Bates. Late last night found Jim and I at Wal-Mart (sigh) shopping for yet more school supplies, even though I thought I had been really on top of things and had purchased them all last week. And, speaking of Wal-Mart, can I just say, "OPEN ANOTHER #*#*&&(&)(* CHECKSTAND PLEASE!" (Sorry, should I have marked my blog for adult content?)
OK, so now on to the topic for today--are you kids early birds or night owls? Three ou
t of four of our clan have adjusted really easily to the new schedule. They trot happily off to bed saying, "Thank you kind parents for caring for our welfare. We love that we now get to retire to our beds at 8:30...." However, Ian is struggling. I have to admit that getting him up to get ready for school is not my favorite thing, but I must need more practice because the last two mornings, I have had to waken him multiple times before successfully getting him up! He does not move very quickly in the morning so at times it is a bit stressful getting him ready to go out the door on time. To his credit (and it is one of the things I love most about him) he has a wonderful sense of humor most of the time and we can usually get him to school with a smile.
Well I am clearly not qualified to answer your questions at this time, I have not reached the level of parenting as you.....Makenna never walks off to bed with those obviously should write a book!
So where's the infamous Welch blog? I've heard about it....have yet to see it......
I agree with fantastic five! Tony and Trevor NEVER walk off to bed and as for caring for their welfare at 7 they know WAAAY more than me (e.g. I don't need sunscreen or to take a shower or to brush my teeth). Or so they say...
Just remind him every morning that he would feel alot better if he went to bed earlier. It has yet to work for me but it sounds good!
Welcome to "glogging" lol love reading your blog! Do your kids really say thanks for taking care of our welfare....u DO need to write a book. I am not a morning person. I had my own alarm clock growing up. I had to put it clear across my room so I had to PHYSICALLY haul my butt out of bed.... just an idea.
Oh sweet cheeks, I can't believe my Ian would give you such a hard time. My little snuggle bugs are late owls too. I have been trying to trick them with the time by setting it ahead a bit. It has worked thus far. It still hasn't made morning much better for Dalton. Tell me if you find anything!
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