Well, I'll bet all of you figured that the "newness" had worn off and that I wasn't going to blog anymore...wrong! I just haven't had the time or the inspiration to sit down and dish. Speaking of dish, I started my new job today! I am managing the newest pizza place to arrive in Elko. It is located directly across from Bil Toki on Silver Street, right next to the Telescope Lanes bowling alley. In fact, it is connected to the bowling alley. My hours will be from 9-2 Monday thru Friday. Great timing for me as I can send the kiddies to school before I have to be to work and be home before they get out in the afternoon. I will be making food, bussing tables, serving drinks, mopping up and washing dishes--pretty much whatev
er might be required of me while I'm there. I made 6 pizzas today, even though we aren't officially open yet. It's not something I want to do for the rest of forever, but I think it'll be a good job for the interim. Watch the blog for my upcoming poll on which pizza from the Blind Onion is the "fav" of all those who can get to the restaurant to try them. Jim and Ryan ate one today and they seemed to think it was pretty tasty... Here is a picture of Ryan eating my delicious creation! Doesn't he look happy?

Other news of note from the weekend? Jim played on Saturday afternoon in the Elko High School alumni soccer game. This is a tradition he began several years ago while he was coaching and this year was the first he was able to participate fully as a player and not have to divide his time between player and coach. He even scored two goals! Also this weekend we have had a visit from my "sister" Mary Baer. I cannot rememb
er a time when Mary was not part of my life and it has been so fun to have my kids get to know her as well. Shortly after Mary arrived on Saturday evening, Oscar also arrived! Who's that, you say? Oscar is our newest pet--an adorable kitten that we adopted from our friends the Gardners. He seems to be adjusting very well to living with us--Katy is not very happy, but we are trying to make sure she doesn't feel left out. Here is a picture of Jim catching a few zzzz's following his big soocer game!

1 comment:
ryan... the kid kills me. love the picture. how is mary? wow, i don't remember the last time i saw her. 20 years or more...
the job sounds fun! we, as a rule, are a very gregarious set of folk. its in your genes to be good at this. have fun!
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