Monday, August 18, 2008

Watch out now we're sneaking into your lives!!!

OK OK......after much pressure I have finally decided to begin a glog to try and entertain all of you "out there" with the antics of the Nisbet clan. I have always enjoyed reading everyone elses glogs. Glogging seems to be the new "it" thing so here goes.....What? What do you mean? OH! It's I feel dumb.


de Arrieta said...

Stinken cute!! My goodness. I am so glad that you caved.

Fantastic Five said...

AAAAHHHHHH You crack me up - my life is complete now that you are one here!!! Wahoo.........

kaleyq said...

Isn't peer pressure great!! So glad you joined the insanity of ONE more thing...It'll be so fun to get updates without having to ask my husband!
Love you all!