I'm taking suggestions for the caption on this picture.....in the meantime, here is a list of 5 things I hate going to Wal-Mart for after 11 pm
*diapers (although thankfully, we have passed this milestone!)
*feminie hygeine products (also no longer a concern! Let's hear it for hysterectomies!)
*toilet paper
*ginger ale (usually means I have a puking child at home and it is going to be a long night.)
*DRANO, Liquid Plumber, drain snake etc....see above picture.
So last night before retiring to bed I stopped off at the loo to make a liquid deposit. As in most households, this is standard bedtime operation. I finished, wiped and flushed, then left the room. Jim followed suit, but upon his flushing something went backwards, somewhere someone whispered some sort of voodoo hex and before you could say "obesity and bunnions" my bathroom was filling up with water. (And not nice clean water, but icky toilety water--YUCK.) I rushed to find our trusty plunger and began to work my magic (I am quite handy with the ol' plunger if I do say so myself) but to my chagrin I was not making any headway. (Pun intented for all you sailor types.) Soon, the floor of the master bath was covered in wet towels, and there stood Jim and me in our undies, puzzling over what to do next. It didn't take me long to decide for us that we needed a trip to the store to buy something to combat the clog. Long story short, we bought what we thought would fix the situation, poured it in the drain and went to bed. A few short hours later we awoke to the sun streaming in the bedroom window, and birds singing. (Much like in the cartoon of Cinderella....there could have even been little speaking mice, but I am not sure.) Jim went to the bathroom and hovered over the toilet....he flushed the toilet....he ran to the hall closet for more towels...we turned off the water and duct taped the toilet closed and tonight (OH GOODY!) we get to take it apart and see if we can find the obstruction. Never have I been so excited to get to the end of the day. Does anyone else ever have days like this?
Ah duct tape...I remember when it covered the entire engine of my 66 VW Bug....it'll fix anything; I say just leave it there for a few days and I'm sure whatever is "hangin' out" in your pipes will get bored and be on it's merry way :)
if you can catch any of the talking mice, i would be interested in taking them off your hands
You crack me up. No longer a virgin to the blog, you just can't get enough of it!! A Daily girl, me likes!
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